Escritura: Actividad 4 (Semana 2) Mi ciudad

Paso 1: Read «México, D.F.» in Protagonistas (p. 41) and complete Activity 22 with a classmate. Next use the model below to help you create lists of words that relate to your hometown. Consult the following sources:

Use a paper and pencil (or pen) to create your lists, and make them as extensive as possible:

tipos lugares (sitios) características otros
un pueblo rural los barrios una ciudad antigua el ambiente (the environment)
una ciudad urbana la capital un pueblo antiguo ...
... ... ... ...

Paso 2: On the same paper, draw an aerial diagram or map of your town and label in Spanish various important places like your home, institutions, buildings, stores, parks, restaurants, entertainment sites, etc. 

Paso 3: With a partner, orally describe your town in detail. Explain how each site relates to your life, e.g., "Mi casa está a una milla (one mile) de mi escuela" or "Me gusta mucho ir al teatro de cine". Include information about places you frequent.

Paso 4: Finally, return to your lists and diagram. Review them once more, and use them to help you compose a paragraph about your hometown. Write as extensively as possible, with lots of details, so that someone without access to your map could reconstruct it simply from your written description.