Useful Linkage Links

This page will collect useful links to  (1) useful linkage simulations and (2) linkage design and analysis software and (3) cool linkage examplesIt's editable by the entire ME112 community.

     Linkage simulations

    • Web-based 4-bar simulation Links to an external site. -- set velocity to zero to adjust. Drag the joints on the base "Frame" link and coupler point. Enter coupler and crank link values in windows.
    • Working Model 2D can be useful for simulating linkages. The linked page on Canvas gives instructions to download for WIndows and Mac. You can not only simulate linkages, but also use WM2D to plot velocities and forces of any object in the simulation, so it can also be used for linkage analysis.

    Linkage design and analysis

    Linkage examples