Useful Linkage Links
This page will collect useful links to (1) useful linkage simulations and (2) linkage design and analysis software and (3) cool linkage examples. It's editable by the entire ME112 community.
Linkage simulations
- Web-based 4-bar simulation Links to an external site. -- set velocity to zero to adjust. Drag the joints on the base "Frame" link and coupler point. Enter coupler and crank link values in windows.
- This is part of a collection of linkage, planetary gear, etc. simulations at ( Links to an external site. )
- Working Model 2D can be useful for simulating linkages. The linked page on Canvas gives instructions to download for WIndows and Mac. You can not only simulate linkages, but also use WM2D to plot velocities and forces of any object in the simulation, so it can also be used for linkage analysis.
Linkage design and analysis
- Rocker Crank Linkage Atlas Links to an external site. -- set link lengths as desired and slide bar corresponding to coupler point locations to see families of coupler curves. Use "Go" to simulate one revolution.
- This is part of a larger atlas ( Links to an external site. ) include slider-crank, inverted crank-slider and other linkage types.
- See note above about Working Model, which can also be used for analysis.
- Linkage 3.x Links to an external site. is powerful, free program by David Rector. It is written for Windows but we have a solution using Wine for Mac. The file is big, so we do it in two parts:
- Download and install WineBottlerCombo Links to an external site. for Mac. This program lets you run various "wrapped" Windows programs on your Mac. You can also download the latest version from the developer Links to an external site..
- Download and unzip the Mac Linkage3 program Links to an external site..
- Launch Wine (you'll see a little Wineglass symbol up near where Time/Date is).
- Launch the Linkage program (takes a while the first time).
- UC Davis Web-based linkage simulator Links to an external site.based on CH Mechanism toolkit Links to an external site. also gives positions and velocities and has various interesting examples.
- Download is a collection of Python and Matlab functions for systematic linkage calculations -- especially useful when doing anything more complex than a basic four-bar or pin-slider. These programs are intentionally a bit minimalist; they are not meant to be a "canned" solution but they are useful for checking your own code.
- To understand how some of these programs work, see the short videos (suggested viewing speed 1.5x):Four Bar Analysis
Links to an external site.
Linkage Utilities tutorial Links to an external site.
- Download is a collection of utilities for translating and rotating polygons (e.g. feet) and coupler curves in the plane.
- Useful linkage design tips: check out the quick Linkage Tips Links to an external site., or the more in-depth page Useful Materials and Supplies for Final Project found on the BDML website.
- Also useful materials, on the same site
Linkage examples
- Hoekens linkage Links to an external site. and similar Chebyshev Lambda Links to an external site. mechanism give a nearly straight path for part of the coupler curve.
- Klann "spyder" linkage Links to an external site.
- Notation for solution using the LinkageUtilities Download LinkageUtilities programs
- An example solution is included in Download
- Theo Jansen linkage (Strandbeest) Links to an external site.
- Hexapedal walking Links to an external site. machine linkages Links to an external site.from Prof. Mike McCarthy at USC
- Cornell University mechanisms library Links to an external site.
- not specifically linkages, but an awesome mechanical movements resource: Links to an external site.