Transformers United V4

Are you interested in Transformers, the deep learning model that has taken the world by storm? Want to have intimate discussions with researchers? If so, this course is for you! It's not every day that you get to personally hear from and chat with the authors of the papers you read! P.S. the only homework for students is weekly attendance to the talks/lectures. Also, livestreaming is available to the public! More info on our website:

Each week, we invite folks at the forefront of Transformers research to discuss the latest breakthroughs, from LLM architectures like GPT and Gemini to creative use cases in generating art (e.g. DALL-E and Sora), biology and neuroscience applications, robotics, playing complex games, and so forth!

CS25 has become one of Stanford's hottest and most exciting seminar courses. We invite the coolest speakers such as Andrej Karpathy, Geoffrey Hinton, Jim Fan, Ashish Vaswani, and folks from OpenAI, Google, NVIDIA, etc. Our class has an incredibly popular reception within and outside Stanford, and around 1 million total views on YouTube of our lectures. Our class with Andrej Karpathy was the second most popular YouTube video uploaded by all of Stanford in 2023 with over 500k views!

We have significant improvements to this iteration of the course, including a large lecture hall, high enrollment capacity, professional recording and livestreaming (to the public), social events, and potential 1-on-1 networking sessions with speakers! Feel free to audit by simply joining the Zoom/YouTube livestream (or attend in person if seats are available), or drop by particular talks you’re interested in! Anybody can attend, you don't have to be affiliated with Stanford!

We also have a Discord server (over 1500 members) used for Transformers discussion. We open it to the public as more of a "Transformers community", but also share Stanford-specific announcements and info. Feel free to join and chat with hundreds of others about Transformers!