Course Syllabus

CS 377Q/ME214: Designing for Accessibility: Spring 2024

This project-based class introduces concepts and perspectives in how to approach designing accessible user experiences. Students apply what they've learned in a group design project aimed at enabling accessibility for a user population with a disability. The design project will focus on doing formative need finding interviews and user studies with people who have a disability. This year, projects will focus on using AI for Accessibility. Enrollment will be limited to 30 students; class application will be available during the first day of class.

Tuesdays/Thursdays: 4:30-5:50pm Pacific time, Bldg. 160-B40

Lecturer: John Tang, Microsoft Research

Office Hours: Wednesdays, Fridays, 3:00-5:00pm Pacific (by appointment:
Zoom: John's Zoom room

CA: Aya Mouallem

Office Hours: Mondays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Pacific; Fridays 9 am - 10 am Pacific; (sign up on Calendly or email for other options:
Zoom: Aya's Zoom room


Note: Updates to this syllabus may occur throughout the quarter.

Class sessions highlighted are mandatory to attend as they involve significant graded component, or otherwise critical activity. Please contact the teaching team ASAP if you cannot attend any of these.

We strongly encourage you to submit to us feedback at any point in the quarter about anything (likes, areas to improve, music recommendations, etc.) using this anonymous feedback form.
We would love to hear from you!

Class schedule by week
Week Date Title Assignment



Introduction: What is designing for accessibility?

Disability demographics

Video player button cartoon

Due A0:
Assign A1: Social Acceptability of Accessibility (4 Points)

Intro to assistive technologies for BLV

Sensory substitution

Screen readers

Alt text for accessibility

Due A1

Assign A2: Making media accessible (9 points)

2 9-Apr

Variation in disability

Impact of disabilities online

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.

Due A2

Assign A3: Experiencing accessibility issues online (10 points)


Neurodiversity, Deaf/hard of hearing, Down Syndrome



3 16-Apr

Review + Brainstorming project ideas

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.

Due A3

Assign A4: Individual brainstorming (4 points)


Brainstorming presentations

Accessibility and AI

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.

Due A4

Assign A5: AI and Accessibility (8 points)
4 23-Apr

Need finding for accessibility

Project intro, Group Formation

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.

Due A5

Assign P0: Forming project teams

Assign P1, Part A and Part B: Need finding in project teams(10 points)


Analyzing interviews


AI and accessibility

Aruna's Slides

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.


Due P1A: By 4/28 have scheduled interview, developed questions


5 30-Apr

ADHD guest lecture

AI and accessibility research

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.


Need finding Presentations (4min/team)

 Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.

Due P1B: Need finding presentations

Assign P2: Project Proposal (8 points)

6 7-May

Project Proposal Presentations

Prototyping for accessibility

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.

Due P2: Project proposal

Assign P3: Experience prototype (9 points)


Accessible UX

AI and society

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.


7 14-May Experience prototype demo (time slot signup)

Due P3 

Assign P4: Implement prototype (8 points)


Accessibility and User Studies

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.

Assign P5: Design user study (4 points)
8 21-May (time slot signup)

User Study Pilot/Prototype demo

Due P4 & P5 

Assign P6: Part A, B, and C: Conduct User Study (10 points)


AI & People with Disabilities

Accessibility research

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.

9 28-May

Accessibility in Industry panel

User study analysis

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.

Due P6A: Data Collection 

User Study Presentations (5 min/team)

Video player button cartoon. Follow its hyperlink to view the session recording.

Due P6B-C: Analysis & Presentation 

Assign P7: Project Fair (6 points)




Assign A6: Team Feedback Form


Project Fair

Packard 101 and Atrium

Due P7
5-Jun Due A6: Team Feedback Form


Course Logistics

Grading breakdown

35% Individual Assignments
55% Group Project 
10% Class Participation
No Final

Late work subject to 10% penalty--let us know in advance if something will be late.

Attendance Policy

Must attend class when grading occurs in class (highlighted dates in syllabus)
Let us know in advance if there are any expected absences in the class to work out how to manage that. More than 2 absences or any unexplained absences detracts from class participation grade

Honor Code

We expect you to adhere to the Stanford Honor Code:

We will be collecting info about individual contribution to team projects.


Beyond the standard university statement (which follows below), we commit to making the course accessible to enrolled students--please contact the teaching team for any questions.

Students with Documented Disabilities: Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability must initiate the request with the Office of Accessible Education (OAE). Professional staff will evaluate the request with required documentation, recommend reasonable accommodations, and prepare an Accommodation Letter for faculty. Unless the student has a temporary disability, Accommodation letters are issued for the entire academic year. Students should contact the OAE as soon as possible since timely notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. The OAE is located at 563 Salvatierra Walk (phone: 723-1066, URL:

Wellness Resources

Many world events at the moment can create an extremely stressful time for us all. These concerning events may impact our performance in our outside of class. We are committed to advancing the mental health and well-being of CS377Q students. If you (or someone you know in class) are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, and/or in need of support, services are available. You can learn more at


Supplemental Resources